Addtheeggs and milk in a large bowland beatwith an electric mixer on high.
Add the sugar, vanilla, and saltto the bowl and mix for 30 seconds
Lastly add in half the flour and mix until fully incorporated
Add in the second half of the flour and mix until smooth.
Using a serrated knife cut each slice of bread in half,
Then slice the halves in half (16-24 sticks).
In a large frying pan, melt the oil and butter together.
Once the butter is melted and begin to bubble slightly, dip the sticks into the batter (4 at a time).
Allow excess to drain off before adding to the pan
Be careful not to over crowd the pan (8 sticks at a time)
Cook for 3-4 mins per side until toasted.
Flip over and the allow both sides to reach a beautiful golden brown.
Let them rest on paper towels while you fry the others.
Repeat the steps to finish off the remaining sticks
Serve with syrup or honey